Submission date is on 11/4/19
1. Basic
operations on matrices.
2. Generation on various signals and Sequences (periodic and aperiodic), such as unit impulse,
unit step, square, sawtooth,
triangular, sinusoidal, ramp, sinc.
3. Operations on signals and sequences
such as addition,multiplication, scaling,
shifting, folding,
computation of energy and average power.
4. Finding
the even and odd parts of signal/sequence and real
and imaginary part of signal.
5. Convolution between
signals and sequences.
6. Verification of linearity
and time invariance properties of a
given continuous /discrete system
7. Computation of unit sample, unit step and sinusoidal
response of the given LTI system and verifying
its physical Realizability and stability
8. Finding the Fourier transform
of a given signal and plotting its
magnitude and phase spectrum.
9. Waveform
synthesis using Laplace
10. Locating
the zeros and poles and plotting
the pole zero maps in s-plane
and z-plane for the given
transfer function.
11. Sampling theorem verification.
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