Draw transistor C-E amplifier circuit. Draw its ac equivalent
Obtain h-parameter equivalent circuit of C-E configuration. Discuss
merits and demerits of h-parameters.
Do the analysis of C-E amplifier circuit and obtain expressions of AV,
AI, AVs, AIS, RI, Ro in terms of h-parameters.
Do the analysis of C-E amplifier circuit with un bypassed RE.
Do the analysis of C-C amplifier circuit and obtain expressions of AV,
AI, AVs, AIS, RI, Ro in terms of h-parameters.
Explain the need of cascading transistor amplifier. How to select the
amplifier for cascaded connection?
What is power amplifier? Give important features of power amplifier
What is transistor load line? Explain how to obtain it. Define Q-
point on the load line.
Compare various transistor amplifier configuration.
Explain operation of class –B
operation using necessary waveforms. Enlist advantages, disadvantages and applications of it.
Explain operation of class –AB
operation using necessary waveforms. Enlist advantages, disadvantages
and applications of it.
Explain working of class B
push-pull amplifier circuit with necessary waveforms.
Explain working of class B
complementary –symmetry
amplifier circuit with necessary waveforms.
What is crossover distortion in class B amplifier circuit ? Give
causes and remedies for the same.
Enlist various biasing configurations for JFET. Explain any one of
them in detail.
Enlist various biasing configurations for MOSFET. Explain any one of
them in detail.
What do you mean by feedback in amplifier circuit? What is positive
feedback and What is negative
feedback ? Give comparison between
Explain effect of negative feedback on gain, distortion , stability
and band width.
Explain voltage series feedback (series- shunt) feedback with the
block diagram.
Explain voltage shunt feedback (shunt- shunt) feedback with the block
Explain current series feedback (series- series) feedback with the
block diagram.
Explain current series
feedback (shunt- series) feedback with the block diagram.
Solve the numericals from
reference books (solved problems).
Draw the substractor circuit using Op-Amp
Define Q for filter circuits.
Justify that ideally common mode rejection ratio for
op-amp is infinite
Describe in brief : PSSR , CMRR, Slew rate, offset
voltage, offset current, bias current.
Draw the Pin diagram of IC-555
Draw the circuit of Op-amp based integrator.
Describe the meaning of Cross Over Distortion occurred
in amplifier.
Define the meaning of virtual ground in Op-amp.
Find the
maximum frequency for a sine wave, output voltage of 10V peak with an op-amp
whose slew rate is 1V/µS.
Derive the
equation for non inverting amplifier using OP-AMP .
Explain the
working of a summing and averaging amplifier when connected in inverting mode.
For inverting amplifier V1= 1V, V2= 3V, V3= 2V with R1=R2=R3= 2K and RF= 3K, Determine the output voltage.
Compare: inverting and non inverting
Explain in detail voltage follower with its
Compare: R-C
phase shift and wein bridge oscillator.
Design a R-C
phase shift oscillator to produce a sinusoidal output at 1KHZ, using capacitor
value 0.01 µF.
Write short
note on : Integrator.
symmetric Square wave generator using op-amp.
Why it is necessary to use an external offset voltage compensating
network with practical Opamp circuits?
What is an instrumentation amplifier? List applications
of instrumentation amplifier.
Draw the block schematic of a typical operational amplifier and briefly
explain the function of each block. Also give the equivalent circuit of the
Determine the output voltage of an op-amp for input
voltages of Vi1 = 150
µV, Vi2 =
140 µV. The amplifier has a
differential gain of Ad
4000 and the value of CMRR is:
(a) 100. (b) 105 .
Explain how an OP-AMP works as an averaging amplifier?
Explain the effect of negative feedback on frequency
response in an OP-AMP.
What do you mean by slew rate in an OP-AMP? Also
mention about causes of slew rate and explain its significance in
Draw and explain OP-AMP as a zero crossing detector.
Give suitable example of its practical application.
What are the requirements of Instrumentation amplifier
for practical purpose?
Explain the working of a practical integrator circuit
with neat sketch.
Also draw output waveforms for sinusoidal and square
wave inputs.
Describe how an Op-amp may be used as voltage to
current converter. State the application of OP-AMP based Wein bridge
Explain circuit diagram of OP- AMP as a Peak detector.
Explain voltage to current converter with grounded
Draw the circuit op-amp as differentiator and explain
with necessary waveforms.
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